Hyland’s 4 kids daytime cold ‘n cough homeopathic remedy helps alleviate your child’s common cold symptoms, such as sneezing, cough, sore throat and runny nose.This homeopathic blend includes sulphur, allium cepa and phosphorus and is free of alcohol and sugar for safe administration to children aged 2 to 12.This remedy comes in a 4 fl.Oz.Bottle and includes a dosing cup for easy administration.
ingredients: allium cepa 6x hpus purpose watery/runny nose;cold;hacking cough;painful throat hepar sulph calc 12x hpus purpose cold;sneezing hydrastis 6x hpus purpose rattling/tickling cough;sinus congestion;dry/raw/sore throat natrum muriaticum 6x hpus purpose dry cough;sore throat phosphorus 12x hpus purpose hoarse/dry cough;nasal congestion;chest congestion pulsatilla 6x hpus purpose moist cough;nasal congestion sulphur 12x hpus purpose chest congestion;sneezing;runny nose;citric acid;glycerine;glycyrrhiz
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